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Blog posts of '2021' 'September'

How to choose the right sprinkler for your project
How to choose the right sprinkler for your project
This article is intended to give an introduction to choose the right sprinkler for any irrigation project. As there are various sprinkler heads used for irrigation in the market, this will help you choose the best sprinkler for your situation. Knowing the pressure and flow rate in your system will help you finding the the most efficient sprinkler which will give you the best performance and most importantly preventing you having a costly error in your system.
Which sprinkler stands should I buy?
Which sprinkler stands should I buy?
There are three different types of sprinkler stands that you can find, which are sprinkler skid base, wheeled cart, and tripod stand or four-legged sprinkler stand. Depending on your purpose and suitability, you will be able to find the perfect stand for you to maximize the portability and performance. Here at Irrigation Box we can help you choosing the right sprinklers and sprinkler stand for your irrigation system.
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